I often find that the more I learn, the less I know. Once I delve into a subject I soon realize that there is a mountain of things I don't know about it. Such has been the case of my attempts to make the Pingbot into a kit as I discover facets of the electronics industry that I never thought I would encounter. I was always aware that EE can be a complicated field, but I never needed to worry about anybody else working from my designs. It's a good thing I enjoy it.

I've been following the exploits of successful electronic entrepreneurs and am beginning to form a notion of how much work and time is involved in full scale kitting endeavors. It's humbling to say, but I know I'm not quite ready to jump into selling thousands, or even hundreds, of kits. At this point I feel that it will be best to take things slow to start and set my goals to creating and selling 10 kits and take it from there.

Now on to the fun stuff! Design work has begun on new body shells to fit the soon to be released Jameco kit. Having the PCB completed makes creating new shells easy and fun and I'm having fun playing around with different looks. For the most part the new shells have a more sci-fi feel, but I do plan to make a few cute versions. 
And of course, the most exciting recent news is the arrival of the v1 and v2 fabricated PCBs! Opening the envelope and seeing the shiny, new circuit boards felt like a childhood christmas morning. The best part is that everything seems to be correct! Sure, there were some pads that were a bit smaller than I would have liked, and my silkscreen labeling needed a few tweaks, but the boards will certainly function, or should. These boards brought with them a huge sense of empowerment as I realized how many slick PCBs I want to design. I can't wait to order my next set!

Now that the boards are here, only a few days of waiting for part deliveries stand between the completion of three new Pingbots. The four of the little guys swarming around will be madness!