3D printing, my new crutch
The up3D printer that I won from instructables showed up this week and it has completely blown my mind. I've always had the problem of designing things that are too difficult to build, usually because of the tools needed. Thanks to this printer all of those limitations have instantly disappeared and I can simply print almost anything I can think of. Needless to say, this has distracted me from work on the Pingbot (and everything else) for the last week.

Kit Progress
I've submitted the Pingbot to Club Jameco in hopes of them producing a kit. I'm hoping that they will be interested in making v2 kits with IR communication, but I don't have a working prototype for it yet. With luck they may be willing to trust me on that part and help me make the prototypes. I'll learn more when they get back to me.

In other news, I popped on my youtube account today and saw that the Pingbot video has received over 18k views! Time to make some more vids.