Progress marches on with the project and I think I may see the end in sight. Documentation for version 1 is 90% complete and new shells are ready to be printed. I can't wait to get the new versions, especially the pink one (it took a bit of work to make turbo thrusters that also looked like ears!)

In other news, I've soldered together the 3 v1 PCBs sans motors. Here within the next few weeks I'll have all three complete, including their shells, and the first squad of my robot army will be active.

Work on Version Two has been put on pause while I finish the total Version One package. I've been tempted to redesign v2 to use an Atmel arduino compatible chip in order to gain more PCB space and more outputs. It would be a massive endeavor to add onto the massive amount of work I've already created for myself, so I doubt that I will actually do that to myself.

I've enjoyed working on this project, it opened a lot of doors for me and was an awesome learning tool, but I'm ready to work on something new. My project wishlist has gotten massive while I've focused on these robots and there is some some cool stuff on there just begging to be created!

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